Posted by: cydestiny | August 26, 2013

Reduce Misunderstandings – the Properly Structured Agreement

“Samson killed a thousand men with the jaw bone of an ass. That many sales are killed every day with the same weapon” — Anonymous

How many times have we walked away from a discussion with someone thinking each side had a clear understanding of what needed to be done, only later to be disappointed with the outcome?  This simple scenario occurs far too often within our places of business, and even with our loved ones.  The antidote for these kinds of misunderstandings is the Properly Structured Agreement.

Misunderstandings occur all the time at home and in the workplace, with too many of these mushrooming into outright hostilities.

For example, Merlin the CEO may ask Guido the head of HR to send out a memo to the staff explaining the new health care benefits.  Guido agrees and Merlin is satisfied that it will be taken care of.  A day goes by and the memo hasn’t gone out yet and Merlin is steaming.  He storms into Guido’s office demanding to know why the memo did not go out.  Finger pointing and shifting blame ensues with both participating.  Why?  Simply put, there was no properly structured agreement.

A properly structured agreement will ensure that expectations are clear and that accountability is predetermined.  When these elements are missing, unhealthy conflict breaks out leading to hostility, fear, and a bunker mentality, all detrimental to the health of an organization.

There are three components in order for an agreement to be rendered as properly structured:

  • First, negotiate and agree on what action is to be taken.
  • Second, determine who owns the action.
  • Third, agree on when the action is due.

Very simple.

Going back to Merlin and Guido, the properly structured agreement would look as follows:  Merlin goes to Guido and says a memo needs to go out.  Guido agrees that it is does have to get done and Merlin asks if Guido would do it.  Guido says okay, but points out that he does have a stack of crucial work to get done.  Merlin acknowledges the workload that Guido has but emphasizes the importance of the memo.  Guido comes back with an okay, but asks if the memo can be sent out the next day.  Merlin agrees and spends a few more moments with Guido commiserating on the upcoming Forty-Niners game before he walks away.  A properly structured agreement has just taken place.

In my years of management and studying management, I have witnessed many molehills become mountains.  But very seldom does that occur when properly structured agreements take place.  It is easy to misunderstand one another.  We all have different agendas and different ways of interpreting information in relationship to those agendas.  The properly structured agreement, while requiring a bit more effort at the front end, will save vast amounts of heartburn at the backend.

This isn’t just for the working environment; this is for any relationship where collaboration is essential.  It can be effective with your spouse and your kids.  It will lend to greater teamwork on your softball team.  It certainly works well with your customers as well as prospective clients.  Take away the hassle that comes from nasty conflicts and instead engage the properly structured agreement.


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